Wicked garage Open House

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Quand :
23 mai 2021 Jour entier UTC Fuseau horaire
Où :
Wicked garage
1344 Barfield Rd
Greely, ON K4P 1A1
Contact :
Roger Grenon

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Every year we like to throw a BBQ and invite everyone to bring out their favorite toys to our shop in Greely.

The show runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm but arrive early as space is limited.
Bring out your favorite ride and join us for a great day with a charity BBQ hosted by the good folks at M&M Meat Markets Manotick.
We will have lots of door prizes and you can also buy tickets for some nice prizes as well as a 50/50 draw with all of our proceeds raised going to the StuStrong Foundation.
Please spread the word to all your friends and family and come out with your favorite car, bike, truck, import, exotic, or even partially finished vehicle. Please know that anything and everything is welcome at our Open House!
Let us know if you or your company want to donate a door prize for charity. Or if you want to show up and set up a tent to help promote your business then contact us to work out the details!

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