Muscle Car Meet Up

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Quand :
22 juin 2024 @ 9 h 00 min – 16 h 00 min UTC Fuseau horaire
Où :
Gilmore Car Museum
6865 W Hickory Rd
Hickory Corners, MI, United States
Contact :

Dash plaques given to the first 150 show vehicles to enter the gate!

The MCACN (Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals) Muscle Car Meet Up on the lawns of the Gilmore Car Museum, in Hickory Corners, Michigan, promises to be a “fun & casual midsummer meet up” and driving event for muscle and high-performance car owners. Intentionally, the show will not include rigorous and formal points-based judging, but instead “favorite pick” awards by both MCACN and Gilmore staff.

The MCACN Muscle Car Meet Up will showcase classic American muscle cars from the 1960s and 70s, but is open to modern muscle like today’s high-performance Chevrolet Camaros, Ford Mustangs, and Dodge Challengers. Corvettes too!

The central show field of the Gilmore Car Museum campus will be reserved for a MCACN exhibit, and an exclusive “outdoor feature display space” for only MCACN-invited special and notable muscle cars, and their owners. It should serve as a unique and picturesque display opportunity on the Gilmore’s green lawns, surrounded by its towering red barns and classic 1941 diner.