Atlantic Region Car Club Show & Shine

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Quand :
27 août 2023 @ 13 h 00 min – 16 h 00 min UTC Fuseau horaire
Où :
Centerville Park
Contact :
Bernie Larose

Centerville Park is located in the north side of the Annapolis Valley just outside Kentville.

Time:1:00 – 4:00pm

Registration : opens at 10:00 am and is a « free will offering »

Registration is free but since we wanted to raise some money to support the park and the community we will be having a ticket draw. Proceeds will be split 50/50 between the Club and the park.

There will be awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd people’s choice. We’re currently working on arranging some dash plaques for entering vehicle.

THIS IS AN OPEN CAR SHOW. All makes, models, years are welcome. Trucks, cars, motorcycles

Chassis dyno and motorcycle dyno.